Monday, January 4, 2010

What's all this then?

The Travelling Pink Slipper is a social experiment.
The aim of the experiment is to find out how far an object can travel by means of human kindness.
Let's see how this goes, shall we?

Text on the bottom of the slipper informs people that they have been selected for a special mission.
They are then instructed to report to me via this website or e-mail.
Once they have completed the first they are told to leave the slipper in a safe and dry public place (which differs from the place where it was found) or pass it on to a friend.
Then, (in theory) another person will pick it up and the cycle will continue, possibly gradualy removing the slipper from it's original spot.

This website aims to document the travells of the Travelling Pink Slipper.

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